At JK Physio we run specialist Pilates Classes with qualified Physiotherapists that are APPI (Australian Physiotherapy & Pilates Institute) trained.
As such our Pilates Classes are ideal for clients suffering with back pain and other Musculoskeletal conditions, and for those hoping to prevent or rehabilitate back and other injuries.-
Here’s why we think these classes are the best way to undertake this popular form of exercise:
- Every participant receives an in-depth assessment prior to starting their Pilates Class. At this assessment we take your history, assess your movement and we teach you the key principles of Pilates and how to correctly engage your ‘core’ so you know you will be doing to exercises correctly.
- Physiotherapists have an in-depth understanding of the anatomy and pathologies and therefore know what exercise is safe for you to do. This is preferable to being ‘advised to do what you can’ which is often the case in a generic class.
- We have excellent understanding of human movement and can advise on how to correct imbalances and correct movements during the class – and for taking these forward into your everyday life (most exercises refer back to function).
- We offer small class numbers, therefore you get lots of individualised attention.
- We can personalise exercises to suit your needs by modifying the exercises we teach or provide an alternative for you to practice in your own time.
- Classmates make an ongoing commitment to improving their imbalances and build a rapport with each other. This provides a good level of social interaction and understanding thus improving the group dynamics.
- We will ensure that your classmates have similar ability levels and similar pathologies, so you get lots of understanding from your peers.
- Due to the small numbers in the group, we know when to safely progress you and as we have an understanding of movement and the method we are able to recognise fatigue.
For more information on our Pilates classes led by qualified Physiotherapists, please call us on 01689 889909.